-What are your achievements?
My achievement has been maintain good grades in school. For some students school is boring. I strongly disagree, I enjoy school. I may not be the smartest student at times,but I know not to give up just because I failed the first time. I challenge myself academically and mentally by taking honors and advance placement classes. My goals in my classes are not only to pass the class but to demonstrate to others not to limit themselves to a certain level.
-Who has been an influence on you?
My mother has been a huge influence on me. She has always been there for me. Living on this earth a million times would not be enough to express what she means to me. She had me at a young age and she did her best to provide me with everything I have today.She didn't finish school. She always tell me to put all my effort into my school work, for the same reason she doesn't let me work during the school year. My mother tells me that she doesn't want me to be at a job that I'm not happy with. She says this because she goes to work at 4:00 A.M. to a cold meat packing plant. When I heard all the stories of how she was treated at the many jobs she had it mad me really sad and mad. Her struggles in life make me even more determined to graduate from high school and go to college. Today she goes to school. My mother is smart because the basic things I taught her she learned quick. She like a little kid. When she gets home from school she'll tell you what she learned. My mother is the one person that I will always thank for all her words of encouragement and wisdom. I one day I will pay her back for all that she has done for me. I know that with out her I would not be the person I am today.
-What issues matter to you?
The issue that matters to me is immigration. I see both sides of this situation. The majority of the workers no a days are immigrants (Hispanics),especially the construction workers. Many of the so called "aliens" are here for a better life. If the Senate would stop and realize the amount of money that comes from all the consumer that are immigrants, they would probably rethink this whole issue.The government's concern is that they don't get money from those workers from the taxes, but this wouldn't be an issue if they would to negotiate. What's left for those hard working people is to get money under neath the table. Why?, because they have no other option. If this situation could be compromised it would be less stressful everyone. One demand should be to learn English. This way it will be easier to communicate with one another.
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